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Article 370

Gandhi’s concept of Satyagraha (the force that is born out of love and truth) has been put to death in Kashmir by the Indian government. The new “Kashmir vision” is undemocratic, ruthless and has created a political vacuum

  • Revoked Article 370
  • 30,000 troops deployed to Kashmir
  • Human Rights violations
  • Curfew imposed, making it impossible to survive

Curfew Clock

Violence in Kashmir

with thousands murdered and millions injured by Indian Army. Kashmiris are not given even basic human rights. Child abuse and Violence against women at ever higher rate.

  • Revoked Article 370
  • 30,000 troops deployed to Kashmir
  • Human Rights violations

United Nations Security
Council Mediation

Cold War historian Robert J. McMahon states that American officials increasingly blamed India for rejecting various UNCIP truce proposals under various dubious legal technicalities just to avoid a plebiscite. McMahon adds that they were "right" since a Muslim majority made a voteto join Pakistan the "most likely outcome" and postponing the plebiscite would serve India's interests

Kashmir is Bleeding


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